Birdfeeding Tips
Providing Fresh Water
- Birds rely on water just as much as they need food, so give birds clean water to drink, and it will in-turn attract them to the food.
- Birds appreciate a clean place to take a bath, to not only groom themselves, but also stay healthy.
Picking the Proper Feeder
- Different blends of bird food require different types of feeders. For example, you can offer:
- sunflower seeds in a tubular or hopper feeder
- thistle (also called Nyjer Seed) in a finch feeder, which is a tubular feeder with smaller ports
- mixed seed in a hopper feeder or a tray feeder
Understanding the Importance of Suet
- Suet is type of bird food that is high in fat, providing birds with extra protein for energy.
- Suet comes in a small square block that is placed in a wire mesh suet holder.
- Suet is great for feeding birds that might not come to a regular feeder, and also is great for the cold winter months when birds need that extra energy.
Helpful tips on which birds like what seeds
Black Oil Sunflower
- The number-one choice for the largest variety of birds.
- The most economical seed that will be sure to get birds to your backyard.
Striped Sunflower Seed
- The seed preferred by larger birds, such as cardinals and jays.
Hulled Sunflower Seeds
- Sunflower seeds without the hull or shell. Because there is no shell to crack open, a greater variety of birds can enjoy these hulled seeds, including mockingbirds, wrens, woodpeckers, chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, gold finches, house finches, cardinals, grosbeaks, sparrows, and jays.
- Great for feeding on decks, patios, and gardens because no messy shells fall beneath the feeder.
Thistle (Nyjer Seed)
- The top seed choice of finches.
- Not a favorite of squirrels, so they are less likely to try eating from your feeder if it contains Thistle (Nyjer seed).
- A highly desirable seed that attracts many of the same birds as Black Oil Sunflower, such as chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, gold finches, house finches, grosbeaks, and jays.
- Not desired by squirrels and grackles, so your feeders can be left undisturbed
- A small round seed that has several different types including White, Red, and Golden Millet.
- Mostly offered in mixes of bird seed.
- Enjoyed by ground-feeding birds, including doves, sparrows, juncos, bobwhites, and quails.
- Also known as Sorghum, a less desirable seed often offered in more inexpensive mixes.
- High in carbohydrates – enjoyed by doves, sparrows, quails, and tohees.
Cracked Corn
- Dried corn kernels that have been cracked into smaller pieces.
- Preferred by birds that feed on the ground, including pheasants, quails, doves, sparrows, towhees, blackbirds, grackles, and jays